The GSFC University is established by the GUJARAT STATE FERTILIZERS & CHEMICALS Ltd. through GSFC Education society as its Corporate Social Responsibility initiative. At present, more than 1000+ students studying under School of Technology, School of Science and School of Management.
GSFC University has successfully concluded its 2nd Convocation virtually today on 25th October 2020.
The event began with the prayer to Goddess Saraswati.
Vice Chancellor Dr. NIKHIL ZAVERI presented the University Report and introduced the esteemed guest of the occasion, Honorable Dr. R.A. Mashelkar, Padma Vibhushan awardee, to all. He welcomed the President and the Members of the Governing Body and Board of Management. He then presented University Report and informed about the activities carried
out, achievements and awards received by students and faculties during the academic year 2019-20.
Students recited the oath as administered by the President Shri P.K.Taneja. Degrees were awarded to 259 graduating students and 6 gold medals to students who secured first rank in respective streams.
Further President of the GSFC University, Shri P.K. Taneja also welcomed our esteemed guest and all the stakeholders to make this event possible despite the challenging times. He was very candid in admitting the absence of the physical convocation but he also assured his personal presence on the campus once the situation gets normalized.
He then congratulated to Graduating students and recipients of Gold medals. Further he mentioned about the past year’s many noteworthy events and activities for the University. On the academic front, the University implemented a number of Unique Initiatives such as immersive learning through hand-on training, activity credit bank for curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, a bi-monthly newsletter named as Eventia, a bi-annual magazine named as Science View and such other academically stimulating activities were mentioned by the President.
He then elaborated the focus of GSFC University’s 5Cconcept i.e. Compact, Contemporary, Cutting-Edge, Customized and Collaborative to make the academics relevant and to capture the Industry’s in-demand skills.
Much awaited words of wisdom by the Convocation’s Honorable Chief Guest, Dr. R.A. Mashelkarwere shared by him. His remarkable comparison of Pre and Post Covid world where he stressed that RECOVERY has to be imagined in terms of RE-DISCOVERY, RE-INVENTION, RE-THINKING. Narrating the vision of our Respected Prime Minister, he emphasized that all of you students have to create Atmanirbhar Bharat through AATMAVISHWAS(self-confidence) and ATMASAMMAN (self-respect). He shared his successful Mashelkar Mantra’s with the students for following their dreams. Some of his mantra’s are:
Work hard, success will follow.
Work hard in silence, let success make the noise.
In life Purpose, Perseverance and patience is important.
Continuous learning is important.
You can do anything but not everything. So be focused.
Create opportunities, build your own doors.
Always be a part of the solution, don’t be a part of a problem
Qualities one must have is innovation in head, passion in the belly and compassion in the heart.
Your aspirations are your possibilities, so aim high
There is no limit to human endurance, human achievement and human imagination.
LIVE Broadcast
(University Report, Convocation Brochure, GSFCU Brochure,
B.Tech F&EHS Brochure, Ph.D Brochure)
Press Releases
Indian Express - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 28-10-2020
Vadodara Samachar - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 27-10-2020
Divya Bhaskar - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 27-10-2020
Times of India - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 26-10-2020
Sandesh - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 26-10-2020
Gujarat Mitra - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 26-10-2020
Nav Gujarat Samay - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 26-10-2020
Gujarat Mitra - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 21-10-2020
Lok Satta - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 20-10-2020
Divya Bhaskar - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 20-10-2020
Vadodara Samachar - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 20-10-2020
Sandesh - 2nd Convocation Ceremony at GSFC University Dt. 20-10-2020